
Here are 7 things you may not know about spirit:

1. In 2007, a newspaper in Atlanta published an award for the worst company in the United States, which is usually given to a company that uses its customers. They gave it to both FedEx and Spirit Airlines (along with the Department of Homeland Security). 2. If the total weight of your luggage is over 50 pounds, you will have to pay $ 100 for the extra pound. 3. Only 27 of the 3,000+ airline employees earned more than $ 75k last year. Did not live exactly big 4. Seats will be reserved for passengers only after checking-in online before departure (as in the Southwest), but unlike the Southwest there is no option to book a seat for free near friends or family members who have already booked on the flight. 5. More than 98% of the tickets sold at Spirit are prepaid so that people can avail all the special offers. Book online 6. Prior to 2010, and since 1993, Spirit had paid their pilots about $ 29 million less each year. This meant that in order to earn enough money during normal working h...